viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Literacy Project- ´Holes´ , by Louis Sachar

Throughout the year, students read the book ´Holes´ by Louis Sachar. It is a great book for ELLs because of the simple language and the engaging story. We also used the movie throughout the school year to further reading comprehension. In this final project, students were encouraged to show their understanding of the text by creating various types of projects such as a play, a crossword puzzle, a board game, a game show or interview with one of the characters.


Below you can see the work that Marcos, Gabriel, Miguel and Pablo put together.

We also have a play from the scene where Zero and Stanley return to the camp to find the treasure and are later caught by the warden. The girl change the ending a bit to give their own spin on events.

Other students opted to create other projects. Below is a picture of María with her Holes Gameboard. When you role the die, depending on where you land you can either act out the vocabulary, mouth a word, draw it, or fall into one of the holes and lose a turn. She worked very hard on this and used a lot of creativity.

Another example is of an ABC chart that uses each letter to use an important vocabulary word or concept from the story. Here it is shown as a list, but the student could have made it more complex by writing a descrition of why the word was important in the book.

Overall, this was a very fun experience for the students. It really showed me that students understood the major concept and gave them an interesting way to show what they learned.
Next year we will let students choose the book they will be reading and they will be responsible for choosing the type of activity to share their book with the other groups.

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